Friday, March 29, 2019

22A- Elevator Pitch

2) On the last pitch I was complimented on the amount of passion and confidence in my opportunity, which rubbed off on the pitch as well. So with this pitch I tried to maintain those same aspects and incorporate it in this one. None of my feedback really surprised me on my last pitch because only one person commented on it and it was along the lines of the same feedback I recieved in my pitch before my last pitch.

3) In this pitch I decided to place more emphasis on students and mentioned the UF registrar which I had never done in my other pitches. Other than that, the basis of my pitch is pretty standard and the way I presented it was the same because I believe I maintained confidence and passion throughout all of my pitches.


  1. Sara,
    I loved seeing this pitch compared to the first one. You were able to maintain your passion but improve on articulating your idea with each pitch. I also enjoy the blazer and glasses, looking put together is a nice touch. It is also nice that you placed yourself in your pitch by relaying to customers that you feel for them. Great Job!

  2. Sara,

    For the past three pitches we had to do for this course, I always saw yours as an example to look at when creating my own. You never had a problem in displaying confidence and passion in your pitch. You also did a great job in adding important details and having a dialogue that grasps the attention of others!
