Thursday, March 14, 2019

17A- Elevator Pitch No.2


2) When reading the reviews of my other classmates, what stood out to me as the most important is how other students have shown a tremendous amount of support for my opportunity because they themselves would benefit immensely from it. Also, in general, all the feedback I have received was pretty positive. People mentioned how I was very confident in my pitch and they could tell I didn't use a script either because they saw how much passion I displayed in my pitch. I think confidence and passion is very important in a pitch because without that, your pitch will seem very sloppy. If you're trying to gain support for your opportunity you need to show confidence which will make your audience more interested in what you have to say.

3) The feedback I received on my first pitch was very positive so what I did with the 2nd pitch was maintain the aspects of my pitch everybody complimented on and tried to improve on them. One of these was my confidence in delivering my pitch so in this pitch I tried to improve on that by including an attention grabbing beginning.

1 comment:

  1. Sara,

    When I watched your first pitch, I really admired the amount of confidence and passion you displayed. I agree that confidence and passion are the main component of a pitch that either make it or break it. For my own pitch, I definitely used your pitch as an example to look up to in making any necessary changes. I also enjoyed that you went in detail with your opportunity, so your audience is informed about the potential benefits.
