Opportunity 1: More millennials are living at home
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2018/06/27/millennials-student-loans-housing/#183435bc226a
Why it exists?: Statistics have shown that more millennials are financially dependent on their parents compared to the Baby Boomers and Generation X. Many American students after graduating college are drowning in debt, so they can't afford much, especially with the increasing price of housing
Customer with the opportunity: Banks giving off loans to these students, because they are being paid in interest making so much more than what the student has borrowed from them. They are benefitting the most from this cause.
Opportunity easy or hard to exploit?: I believe the opportunity is hard to exploit because there are always going to be students that will take out loans, because they haven't received scholarships and their parents can't help them out financially with their tuition and housing, which is leading them to live at home after graduation
Why do I see the opportunity?: Because as a college student I am seeing the statistics and because many people can't get jobs or live on their own after graduation, they go live back home with their parents.
Opportunity 2: NY Ok'd Tuition Free College for Middle Class
Source: https://money.cnn.com/2017/04/08/pf/college/new-york-free-tuition/index.html
Why it exists?: Many students are graduating college drowning in thousands of dollars worth of death which is putting alot of pressure on these students. Especially, due to the competitive job market that's making it harder for these new college grads to find a job.
Customer with the opportunity: The state of New York, because with the scholarship if the student leaves the state, it will be converted into a loan. Therefore, the student will be able to contribute in New York's job market to improve the state. The student also benefits from this opportunity because they don't have to worry about their college debt when they graduate and establish their savings.
Opportunity easy or hard to exploit?: It is easy to exploit. As long as your family income qualifies for the scholarship and you stay in New York for the same amount of years that you received the scholarship for then it's pretty easy.
Why do I see the opportunity?: I see this opportunity because being a college student and hearing in the news the constant debate over awarding free tuition for college students is all over.
Opportunity 3: President Trump implementing a trade policy
Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-43512098
Why it exists? President Trump believes China is practicing unfair trade. With tariffs on foreign goods, it boosts the country's industry, so it doesnt rely so much on other countries for imports.
Customer with the opportunity: companies in the United States, as well as workers here
Opportunity easy or hard to exploit: It is easy to exploit that's why President Trump implemented a policy that all goods that come from China must have a tariff attached to it. This will discourage China from selling goods to us, and encourage the US to rely on its own industry.
Why do I see the opportunity?: I see the opportunity because this has been a hot debate throughout Trumps' presidency.
Opportunity 4: Increase in Sale's Tax
Source: https://www.avalara.com/taxrates/en/blog/2018/09/california-sales-tax-rate-changes-october-2018.html
Why it exists?: Because in California, the minimum wage is higher than the rest of the country, therefore it means that the people of California have to pay more in taxes to compensate for the higher amount that they're making.
Customer with the opportunity: Businesses in California
Opportunity easy or hard to exploit: Easy to exploit because this has been a factor of being in the state of California which is well-known throughout the country and has always been in place.
Why do I see the opportunity? Because I have friends in California that will talk about the higher cost of living and higher income they get living there, so I'm familiar with the topic.